The Flock Network

Fostering Lasting Online Connections & Knowledge
for Believers Everywhere

Discover a vibrant Christian community that extends the warmth and connection of your church into the digital world. The Flock Network is more than just a platform; it's a sanctuary where your faith is the foundation of every interaction

Connect, Share, and Grow Together

Discover a social platform designed with your church’s values at heart. Whether you’re looking to bring your congregation closer or seeking a sanctuary online that mirrors your Christian principles, you’ve found your haven.

Engaging Discussion Forums

Dive into meaningful conversations, share insights, and uplift each other in faith.

Event Calendars

Stay updated with church events, prayer gatherings, and community service opportunities. Never miss a chance to be together.

Prayer Request

A private space to request prayers and support one another through faith and love.

Educational Resources

Access a wealth of resources to deepen your understanding of the Word and grow spiritually, personally, and professionally

and so much more!

TheFlockNetwork transformed our community, bringing us closer together and providing a platform to share our faith journey with like-minded individuals. We’re no longer just members, we’re family.

Pastor Mike

New Life Church

I found a community of love and encouragement on TheFlockNetwork, and I’m so grateful for the connections I’ve made. It’s not just a space to interact, it’s a space to grow.

Sarah L.


Steps to Welcome Your Church Online

Easily Bring Your Community Together

Sign up, invite, and engage within your own faith-based community with unprecedented ease. Now is the time to move online and come together under God.

Sign Up

Church organizers start by creating their community.


Easily invite your congregation start sharing, praying, and growing as a united community.